How do I take payment?
You will be expected to pay for services at the time they are rendered, unless other arrangements have been made. Payment can be in cash, Venmo or by check only.
If you pay by a check that is ever returned for insufficient funds, I will expect you to make good on the check and to pay me for any service charges levied by my bank.
Will Insurance Pay for this kind of testing?
Unfortunately, insurance does not pay for this.
Do you ever offer reduced fees?
Yes, 10% of my evaluations are offered at a reduced fee to those families who cannot afford my rates.
IQ/Cognitive Testing, Feedback & Report
Tests: WISC-V; WPPSI-IV; KABC-II (this is a good option for bilingual families or children who are not fluent in English)
Achievement Testing, Feedback & Report
WIAT (1-3 areas)
Additional Hour/will be prorated
Longer than 15 minute commute, lengthy feedback or phone calls, consultation with school or others
Covid-19 fees (ONLY charged when appropriate)
Additional cleaning, replacement of supplies; restricted number of people per day